If writing answers in Social Science feels challenging due to the terms you need to use, this is the right place for you. Here, you’ll not only learn how to use effective terms but also get help in framing clear and concise sentences that align with the needs of the question while keeping your answers […]
Author: Preeti
Women Caste and Reform (Class 8th) All important SAQs
Very short type Questions along with answers:- Hello Learners! If long answers seem tough or you want to check how well you understand the chapter, try practicing very short and short answer questions. All possible questions, from easy to difficult, are given to help you prepare better!” Q.1 What were women who burned themselves on […]
Resources and Development (Case based questions) for class 10th
Q.1 Read the given extract and answer the following questions. Planning is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use of resources. It has importance in a country like India, which has enormous diversity in the availability of resources. There are regions which are rich in certain types of resources but are deficient in some other […]
Political Parties (Cased based questions for class 10th)
1. Read the source given below and answer the question that follows. (previously asked questions) In some countries, power usually changes between two main parties. Several other parties may exist, contest elections and win a few seats in the national legislatures. But only the two main parties have a serious chance of winning majority of […]
Nationalism in India (NCERT Solutions for class 10th)
Master your NCERT questions with ease! Our solutions show you how to tackle answers effectively while breaking down concepts step-by-step. Learn how to use examples from the chapter and boost your confidence for exams! Q.1 Explain a. Why growth of nationalism in the colonies is linked to an anti-colonial movement. Answer: Nationalism in India grew […]
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe (NCERT Solutions)
Master your NCERT questions with ease! Our solutions show you how to tackle answers effectively while breaking down concepts step-by-step. Learn how to use examples from the chapter and boost your confidence for exams! Exercise Questions/Answers from NCERT class 10th Q 1. Write a note on:- a. Guiseppe Mazzini Answer: Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian […]
Pastoralists in the Modern World (Case Based Questions for class 9th)
1. Read the source given below and answer the question that follow: ‘In the hills the Gujjars are exclusively a pastoral tribe ñ they cultivate scarcely at all. The Gaddis keep flocks of sheep and goats and the Gujjars, wealth consists of buffaloes. These people live in the skirts of the forests, and maintain their […]
Forest Society and Colonialism (Case based Questions)
1. Read the source given below and answer the question that follow: The spread of railways from the 1850s created a new demand. Railways were essential for colonial trade and for the movement of imperial troops. To run locomotives, wood was needed as fuel, and to lay railway lines sleepers were essential to hold the […]
Nationalism in India (Case Based Questions)
1. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow. (Previously asked question) Source-A :Idea of Satyagraha ‘ Satyagraha is not physical force. A satyagrahidoes not inflict pain on the adversary; he does not seek his destruction … In the use of satyagraha, there is no ill-will whatever.‘ Satyagraha is pure soul-force. Truth is […]
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe (Case Based Questions)
1. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow. The first clear expression of nationalism came with the French Revolution in 1789. The political and constitutional changes that came in the wake of the French Revolution led to the transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of French citizens. The […]