Introduction: Our planet (earth) appears blue as three-fourth of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Yet, we often hear the news of water scarcity. Well, many of you may know the reason why but don’t know the solution, how. So, this chapter will direct you towards the need and corrective measures for conserving water […]
Category: Class 10th
Resources and Development (Easy Notes for Class 10th) 2024-25
Introduction: The food living beings consume, water intake, clothes wear and live in, all are the products of nature. And humans have termed these sources of livelihood as resources. All living beings need these resources but often human beings become indifferent towards the problems related to resources. Here, in the first chapter we will learn […]
Gender, Religion and Caste (Easy Notes for class 10th)
Introduction: In many countries of the world, social diversity has been the core matter. Although the fate each country met with, is not alike. The outcome depends on how any country’s politics addresses these social matters. For instance, India has remained fortunate in uniting the diverse group into one nation in some respects. Yet, we […]
Development (Easy and Simple Economics Notes for class 10th)
Introduction: “Every person wants something or the other for leading a good life.” What does it suggest? Does it say that the needs of every person are different but the ultimate goal is to attain a happy and healthy life. Of course yes. Since the circumstances around an individual differ, a person aspires for different […]
Federalism (Easy Notes of Political Science for class 10th)
Introduction: “Sharing power is equal to strengthening power” This is what we learnt in the previous chapter. Now, we will go further and study about vertical division in a more illustrated way. So, let’s begin with the most common term used for power sharing; i.e. federalism. What is federalism? Federalism is a system of government […]
Minerals and Energy Resources (Easy Notes for Class 10th)
Introduction: As it is clear from the title, we are going to discuss about Minerals and energy resources in this post. This chapter deals with all the resources on our Earth which have become an inseparable part of our daily life. We extract these resources, convert them and finally make use of them. These resources […]
Print Culture and the Modern World (Easy Read)
Introduction: It is difficult for us to imagine a world without printed matter. We find evidence of print everywhere around us – in books, journals, newspapers, prints of famous paintings, cinema posters etc. It has become so common that we take it for granted. However, it has a major role in the making of the […]
The Making of a Global World (Easy Notes)
Introduction: The world which we term as a ‘global village’ is the outcome of a long history. Through this, we came across different phases which resulted in interconnectedness of the entire world. So, this chapter will take you to the journey of globalization. We will study how the economic, political and cultural closeness took place […]
The Age of Industrialization (Easy Notes for Class 10th)
Introduction: ‘The world is dynamic and so are the ideas of people’. This characteristic made us progress in science, technology and many other fields. In this chapter we will discuss one such example of change i.e. ‘industrialization’. This age of industrialization began in Great Britain in the mid of the 18th century. In later years, […]
Power Sharing (Easy and detailed Notes for class 10th)
Introduction: Last year, we came to know about institutional designs. These designs tell us that power does not rest with any one organ of the government in a democratic government. We divide power and strengthen the system. So this year, we will go deeper and understand desirability of power sharing. Also, the various forms of […]