Welcome to your Pastoralists in the modern world (Quiz)
1. What is the primary occupation of the Raikas in Rajasthan?
2. Why did nomadic pastoralists usually move their herds to different areas?
3. Why did the Dhangars leave the Konkan and return to the plateau with their flocks after the monsoon?
4. What social change occurred within Maasai society during colonialism?
5. How did colonial authorities view the pastoralists during the colonial period?
6. What was the impact of the Forest Acts on pastoralists in the mid-nineteenth century?
7. How did the lives of wealthy Maasai chiefs differ from those of poor pastoralists during the colonial period?
8. What problem did the Maasai face due to the loss of grazing lands and water resources?
9. What did pastoralists do to adapt to the challenges brought on by colonialism and environmental changes?
10. What was one of the major challenges faced by the Maasai after colonial rule?
11. What is the main occupation of nomadic pastoralists?
12. According to the Royal Commission on Agriculture (1928), what was the impact of the extension of cultivated land on grazing areas?
13. Which area do the Gaddi shepherds of Himachal Pradesh migrate to in summer?
14. What was the purpose of the Criminal Tribes Act of 1871 in colonial India?
15. What was one of the major issues faced by the Kaokoland herders in Namibia due to colonial policies?
16. Which of the following is an example of a game reserve that was created over Maasai grazing land?
17. What is a "kafila" in the context of the Gujjar Bakarwals' migration?
18. How did the British colonial government alter Maasai society?
19. Where do the Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir migrate in winter?
20. What did the Konkani peasants provide to the Dhangar shepherds?
21. What happened to some poorer pastoralists who struggled to survive?
22. Why did the colonial government distrust nomadic communities like pastoralists and mobile traders?
23. Why do the Gujjar buffaloes thrive in the upper ranges during the hot weather?
24. Which of the following describes the typical pattern of migration for the Gujjars of Garhwal and Kumaon?
25. What role did the Dhangar flocks play in the Konkan region after the kharif harvest?
26. What was the main activity of the Gollas, as described by Buchanan?
27. How did the colonial state affect the grazing lands of pastoralists?
28. Where did the Dhangars move after harvesting their bajra in October?
29. What did the colonial government do to expand its revenue income related to pastoralism?
30. What restriction was placed on pastoralists in many African regions during colonial rule?
31. What was the colonial belief about the impact of grazing on forests?
32. What was the primary crop grown in the central plateau of Maharashtra where the Dhangars stayed during the monsoon?
33. Which group of pastoralists reared buffaloes and moved between the dry plateau and coastal areas in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh?
34. What do the Gujjar Bakarwals and Gaddi shepherds have in common?
35. How has the modern world begun to recognize pastoral nomadism?
36. What did some richer pastoralists do in response to the changes in their traditional lifestyle?
37. What was the primary difference between the seasonal movements of the pastoralists in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and those in the mountains?
38. Where were the Banjaras primarily found?
39. Why did colonial officials consider uncultivated lands to be ‘waste land’?
40. What do Maasai warriors carry as part of their traditional attire?
41. Where do most African pastoralists, like the Maasai, live today?
42. Why did pastoral groups often live on the edges of forests?
43. What happened to the best grazing lands of the Maasai after the colonial period?
44. How did the Raikas, a pastoral community, cope with the changes after 1947?
45. What was the effect of turning grazing lands into cultivated fields during colonial rule?