Assignment Questions:

Q.1 What is the poverty line, and how is it determined in India? (2)

Q.2 What is the calorie requirement used to estimate the poverty line in India? (2)

Q.3 Who conducts sample surveys to estimate the poverty line in India? (1)

Q.4 Discuss the multidimensional nature of poverty and the various indicators used to measure it. How does social exclusion and vulnerability factor into poverty analysis? (5)

Q.5 Analyze the trends in poverty reduction in India from 1993-94 to 2011-12. What factors contributed to the decline in the poverty ratio and the number of poor people during this period? (3)

Q.6 Name the states with the highest and lowest poverty ratios in India (2)

Q.7 Explain the concept of social exclusion and its role in perpetuating poverty. Provide examples to illustrate this concept. (3)

Q.8 Describe the inter-state disparities in poverty levels in India. What factors contribute to these disparities, and what strategies could be employed to reduce them? (3)

Q.9 Explain the objectives of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). (5)

Q.10 What were some of the historical reasons for widespread poverty in India? (3)

Q.11 Name some targeted anti-poverty programs in India. (2)

Q.12 What is the Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY), and whom does it target? (2)

Q.13 Describe the Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) and its aims. (2)

Q.14 Discuss the major reasons for poverty in India? (3)