Answer the following questions:

Q.1 Why is the population considered pivotal in social studies? (2)

Q.2 Discuss how human beings transform resources into meaningful entities. (2)

Q.3 Describe the uneven distribution of India’s population and its density variations. (3)

Q.4 Identify the most populous state in India according to the 2011 Census. (1)

Q.5 Discuss the dynamic nature of population and the three key processes influencing change. (3)

Q.6 What is the magnitude of increase in population, and how is it calculated? (2)

Q.7 What has been the trend in India’s population growth from 1951 to 2001?(3)

Q.8 Analyze the impact of India’s large population on resource conservation and environmental concerns. (3)

Q.9 Discuss the reasons behind the decline in India’s population growth rate since 1981. (3)

Q.10 Define the natural increase of population and its components. (3)

Q. 11 Describe the impact of internal migration on the distribution of population within a country. (3)

Q.12 Explain the changes in India’s urban population from 1951 to 2001, considering the increase in ‘million plus cities.’ (3)

Q.13 Examine the impact of the age composition on the dependency ratio and its significance in demographic analysis. (3)

Q.14 Analyze the reasons behind the trend of rural-to-urban migration in India and its consequences on urbanization. (5)

Q.15 What age group is considered as adolescents in India? (1)

Q.16 What measures are recommended by the NPP 2000 to improve the well-being of adolescents? (3)

Q.17 Examine the health issues specific to adolescent girls in India and propose measures to address them. (2)

Q.18 Analyze the measures suggested by the National Population Policy to encourage delayed marriage and child-bearing among adolescents. (3)

Q.19 Examine the broader implications of investing in the well-being and education of adolescents for the nation’s future. (5)

Q.20 What is the difference between population growth and population change. (2)