Answer the following questions:

Q.1 Who designed the Swaraj flag?

Q.2 Who was the president of the Muslim League in 1930 and what did he demand?

Q.3 What happened in the Lahore session of Congress on 19 December 1929?

Q.4 Who painted the image of ‘Bharat Mata’ during freedom struggle in 1905?

Q.5 Name the person who created the image of Bharat Mata.

Q.6 When was Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed? Mention its provisions.

Q.7 What do you understand by the word Satyagrah?

Q.8 Write briefly about Rowlatt Act/Black Act and Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

Q.9 When did Jallianwalla Bagh incident occur?

Q.10 Who launched the Khilafat movement and why?

Q.11 Why Mahatma Gandhi supported the Khilafat Movement?

Q.12 Who wrote the famous book ‘Hind Swaraj’?

Q.13 How did the people from different social groups supported Non-Cooperation Movement?

Q.14 State the reason behind the withdrawal of Non-Cooperation Movement.

Q.15 Explain how the tribal groups saw the Non-Cooperation Movement? What was the meaning of Swaraj to them?

Q.16 What happened at the Congress session at Nagpur in December 1920?

Q.17 The Non-Cooperation significantly affected the British Economy. Then, why did it fail later?

Q.18 Who was the leader of peasants in Awadh?

Q.19 Who headed the Oudh Kisan Sabha?

Q.20 Who raised the slogans demanding Swatantra Bharat?

Q.21 Analyze the features of Gudem Rebellion of Andhra Pradesh?

Q.22 Write a short note on Alluri Sitaram Raju.

Q.23 Why did the Gudem rebels carried out guerrilla warfare?

Q.24 Describe the Inland Emigration Act of 1859?

Q.25 Under what circumstances the C.D.M. or Salt Movement was launched explain.

Q.26 Write down the reason for calling off the Civil Disobedience movement.

Q.27 Briefly write about the Simon Commission.

Q.28 Why was the Simon Commission greeted with the Slogan ‘Go back Simon’?

Q.29 Explain the course of Salt March.

Q.30 Who is known as the frontier Gandhi of India?

Q.31 Who wrote the book ‘Discovery of India’?

Q.32 Which round table conference was boycotted by the Congress? and Who attended all the round table conference from India?

Q.33 Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act 1919? Explain any three reasons. (3) (Previously asked question)

Q.34 How did the civil disobedience movement came into force in various parts of the country? Explain with examples. (5) (Previously asked question)

Q.35 ‘Not all the social groups were moved by the abstract idea of Swaraj’. Support the statement in the light of Civil Disobedience of Movement. (3) (Previously asked question)

Q.36 How did people belonging to different social groups develop sense of collective belonging? (3)


How did the people belonging to different communities, regions or language group in India develop a sense of collective belonging? (Previously asked question)

Q.37 The Civil Disobedience Movement saw the participation of different social classes and groups. Give reasons for the participation of the following: (5) (Previously asked question)

a) rich peasants

b) poor peasants

c) business classes

d) industrial working classes.

e) women.

Q. 38 Explain the major factors which promoted the sense of nationalism in the Indians. (5) (Recently asked question)

Q.39 The middle class played an important role in the Non-Cooperation Movement in the cities. Explain. (2)

Q.40 Why did the Non-Cooperation Movement gradually slowed down in the cities? Explain. (3) (Previously asked question)

Q.41 ”British rule in India would have collapsed if Indians had not cooperated.” How did this statement help in starting a mass movement in India against British rule? (3) (Previously asked question)

Q.42 Explain any three measures taken by the British administration to suppress the movement started against the Rowlatt Act. (3) (Previously asked question)

Q.43 Why was the Inland Emigration Act of 1859 troublesome for plantation workers? (3) (Previously asked question)

Q.44 What kind of Indian Flag was introduced during Swadeshi Movement? (2) (Previously asked question)

Q.45 Explain new economic and political situations created in India during the First World War. (3) (Previously asked question twice)

Q.46 What were the limitations of the civil disobedience movement? Elaborate. (5) (Previously asked question)