Assignment Questions:

Q.1 Suggest any two ways to conserve energy resources in India. (2) (Previously asked question)

Q.2 Suggest any two ways to improve the usage of solar energy. (2) (Previously asked question)

Q.3 What is the importance of Natural Gas? (2) (Previously asked question)

Q.4 Write the two types of iron ore and their features. (2) (Previously asked question)

Q.5 Why is energy needed? How can we conserve energy resources? Explain. (5) (Previously asked question)

Q.6 Natural gas is considered an environmental friendly fuel. Suggest and explain three ways to make it popular. (2) (Previously asked question)

Q.7 Mention two major sources of Gondwana coal fields of India. (2) (Previously asked question)

Q.8 Distinguish between conventional and non-conventional sources of energy. (3) (Previously asked question)