Short answer type questions:-
Hey there, students! Check out our collection of short-answer questions from various topics. We’ve designed these to cover all the potential questions of ‘Equality’ from the NCERT Political Science book. Each answer is crafted with 30-40 words (i.e. for 2 Marks answers) to help you prepare effectively and boost your confidence for the exams. Let’s ace those tests together!
Why does Equality matter?
Q.1 What does equality mean as a political idea?
Answer:- Equality means all people have equal value, no matter their race, gender, nationality, or background. It highlights equal respect and treatment for everyone because of their shared humanity.
Q.2 How is equality connected to religions?
Answer:- Religions support equality by teaching that all humans are created by God, making them equally valuable and deserving of respect.
Q.3 What is the paradox about equality in today’s world?
Answer:- Most people support equality, but inequality is common. For example, we see slums next to luxury homes and schools with or without basic facilities.
Q.4 Why is equality linked to human rights?
Answer:- Equality supports human rights by stressing that all people are equally important, and no one should face discrimination or unfair treatment.
Q.5 Why is equality a key theme in political theory?
Answer:- Equality is vital in political theory as it examines fairness, acceptable differences, and the measures needed to create a more balanced society.
Q.6 How did equality influence anti-colonial struggles?
Answer:- The idea of equality motivated people in Asia and Africa to oppose colonial rule. They fought for freedom, justice, and the right to be treated as equals, rejecting the discrimination and exploitation by colonial powers.
What is Equality?
Q.1 Why are distinctions based on race or color considered unacceptable?
Answer:- Distinctions based on race or color are unacceptable because they violate the idea of equality, which states that all humans deserve the same respect and consideration due to their shared humanity.
Q.2 Does equality mean treating everyone identically? Why or why not?
Answer:- Equality does not mean treating everyone identically. It allows for differences in roles and rewards, provided these distinctions are fair and not based on birth, caste, or gender.
Q.3 When are differences in treatment considered acceptable in society?
Answer:- Differences in treatment are acceptable when they are based on roles or responsibilities, such as giving special privileges to a prime minister or an army general, as long as these are not misused.
Equality of opportunity:-
Q1. What does the concept of equality mean?
Answer:- Equality means all people have the right to the same opportunities to develop their talents and achieve their goals.
Q2. Why is society not unequal if some people are more successful than others?
Answer:- Society is not unequal if people succeed differently because of their skills or choices, as long as everyone has equal opportunities.
Q3. What makes a society unequal and unjust?
Answer:- A society becomes unequal when people do not have fair access to essential services like education, healthcare, and safe living conditions.
Q4. Does equality mean everyone should have the same wealth or status?
Answer:- No, equality ensures that everyone has equal chances and opportunities, not necessarily the same wealth or position.
Natural and social inequalities:-
Q.1 What are natural inequalities?
Answer:- Natural inequalities arise from people’s different abilities and talents, which are considered inborn and unchangeable.
Q.2 What are socially-produced inequalities?
Answer:- Socially-produced inequalities result from differences in opportunities or exploitation, often due to factors like race, gender, or caste.
Q.3 Why is the distinction between natural and social inequalities not always clear?
Answer:- The distinction is not always clear because some natural differences, like disabilities, can now be overcome through technology, making their treatment in society less justifiable.
Three dimensions of Equality:-
Q.1 What are the three main dimensions of equality?
Answer:- The three main dimensions of equality are political equality, social equality, and economic equality.
Q.2 What does political equality include in democratic societies?
Answer:- In democratic societies, political equality includes equal citizenship, the right to vote, freedom of expression, movement, association, and belief.
Q.3 Why is political equality not always enough to create a just society?
Answer:- Political equality alone is not enough because it doesn’t address inequalities in resources and opportunities that exist in the social and economic spheres.
Q.4 What is necessary for social equality?
Answer:- For social equality, there must be equal opportunities for all people to compete for social goods, and minimum conditions of life like adequate healthcare, education, and a minimum wage should be guaranteed.
Q.5 How can customs in society affect equal opportunities?
Answer:- Customs in society, such as discriminatory practices against women, can limit their access to equal opportunities like inheritance rights, education, or participation in certain activities.
Q.6 What role does the state play in ensuring social equality?
Answer:- The state should create policies to prevent discrimination, provide incentives for equal opportunities in education and employment, and raise awareness about rights.
Q.7 How is economic inequality measured in a society?
Answer:- Economic inequality can be measured by the difference in wealth, property, or income between individuals or classes, or by estimating the number of people living below the poverty line.
Q.8 What is feminism?
Answer:- Feminism is a political doctrine that advocates for equal rights for women and men, believing that inequalities between them are not natural or necessary.
Q.9 What is patriarchy?
Answer:- Patriarchy is a social, economic, and cultural system that values men more than women and gives men power over women, assuming their differences justify unequal positions.
Q.10 How do feminists distinguish between “sex” and “gender”?
Answer:- Feminists distinguish “sex” as the biological difference between men and women and “gender” as the roles assigned to them by society.
Q.11 What is the “double burden” that feminists refer to?
Answer:- The “double burden” refers to women managing both work outside the home and housework, yet having little or no say in decisions in the public domain.
Q.12 What is Marx’s view on the root cause of inequality in society?
Answer:- Marx believed that the root cause of entrenched inequality was the private ownership of essential resources like land, oil, and forests, which not only made the owners wealthy but also gave them political power.
Q.13 According to Marxists, what is the relationship between economic and social inequality?
Answer:- Marxists argue that economic inequality supports other forms of social inequality, such as differences in rank or privilege. Therefore, to tackle inequality, public control over essential resources is needed.
Q.14 What do liberals believe about the distribution of resources in society?
Answer:- Liberals believe that competition is the most efficient and fair way to distribute resources and rewards. They think that as long as competition is fair and open, inequalities won’t become entrenched.
Q.15 How do liberals differ from Marxists in their view on inequality?
Answer:- While Marxists believe that economic inequality leads to other forms of inequality, liberals argue that political, economic, and social inequalities should be tackled separately, focusing on preventing unjust and entrenched inequalities.
Q.16 What is socialism and its primary concern?
Answer:- Socialism is a set of political ideas concerned with minimizing existing inequality and distributing resources justly. Socialists favor government regulation, planning, and control over key areas such as education and healthcare.
Q.17 What inequalities did Rammanohar Lohia identify that need to be fought against?
Answer:- Rammanohar Lohia identified five kinds of inequalities: gender inequality, skin color inequality, caste-based inequality, colonial rule, and economic inequality.
Q.18 What were the “seven revolutions” (Sapta Kranti) according to Lohia?
Answer:- Lohia’s seven revolutions included the struggles against gender inequality, skin color inequality, caste-based inequality, colonial rule, economic inequality, the fight for civil liberties, and the movement for non-violence (Satyagraha).
How can we promote equality?
Q.1 How can we promote equality effectively?
Answer:- Promoting equality requires addressing social, political, and economic inequalities through principles like affirmative action, government regulation, and just resource distribution.
Q.2 Why are the views of socialists and liberals on equality debated?
Answer:- Socialists emphasize reducing economic inequality, while liberals focus on free competition and tackling inequalities individually.
Establishing formal equality:-
Q.1 What is the first step towards achieving equality?
Answer:- The first step is ending formal systems of inequality and privileges that restrict opportunities based on caste, gender, or economic status.
Q.2 What does equality mean in modern democracies?
Answer:- Equality means identical treatment under the law for all citizens, without any bias based on caste, religion, race, or gender.
Q.3 Why is legal action necessary to promote equality?
Answer:- Legal action is essential to dismantle systems of inequality protected by customs and laws, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for everyone.
Equality through differential treatment:-
Q.1 Why is formal equality alone not sufficient to achieve equality?
Answer:- Formal equality provides equal rights under the law but does not consider the different needs of individuals. For example, disabled people may require ramps for accessibility, and women working night shifts may need safety measures. These differential needs must be addressed to ensure everyone can fully exercise their rights.
Q.2 Why should differential treatment not be considered an infringement of equality?
Answer:- Differential treatment addresses specific needs and creates conditions that enhance equality, rather than violating it.
Affirmative Actions:-
Q.1 What is affirmative action?
Answer:- Affirmative action refers to positive measures like reservations or scholarships to reduce social inequalities and ensure equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups.
Q.2 Why is affirmative action necessary?
Answer:- It helps correct past discrimination, enabling deprived communities to compete on equal terms and create a just society.
Q.3 How do social and economic inequalities affect equal opportunities?
Answer:- Inequalities in education, healthcare, and resources prevent disadvantaged groups from competing fairly for jobs or higher studies.
Source: NCERT Political Science Book (Class XI)
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