Answer the following questions:-

Q.1 What is the main concern raised by Amnesty International regarding prisoners in Guantanamo Bay? (2)

Q.2 Which leader was involved in the ethnic massacre in Kosovo, and what were the consequences for him? (2)

Q.3 Examine the political and social restrictions faced by citizens in Saudi Arabia. How do these restrictions impact their daily lives? (3)

Q.4 What is the role of rights in protecting minorities in a democracy? (2)

Q.5 Describe the significance of rights as guarantees in a democracy. (3)

Q.6 What are Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution? (2)

Q.7 How many Fundamental Rights are guaranteed by the Indian Constitution? (2)

Q.8 Why is the rule of law considered the foundation of democracy? (2)

Q.9 Define the Right to Equality. (2)

Q.10 Explain the concept of untouchability as addressed in the Constitution. (2)

Q.11 Name the essential freedoms guaranteed under the Indian Constitution. (2)

Q.12 Examine the procedural safeguards for personal liberty as per the Constitution. (3)

Q.13 What does the Constitution say about child labor? (2)

Q.14 What are the three specific forms of exploitation prohibited by the Constitution? (5)

Q.15 Examine the role of the Constitution in protecting the rights of minorities with a focus on the right to freedom of religion.(3)

Q.16 Explain how the scope of rights has expanded beyond Fundamental Rights in the Constitution. (5)

Q.17 In your opinion, should the right to work, right to health, right to minimum livelihood, and right to privacy be made Fundamental Rights in India? Provide reasons for your stance. (3)