Multiple choice Questions:- Q.1 What are the primary sacred texts of Buddhism in India? A) The Vedas B) The Puranas C) The Tripitakas D) The Upanishads Answer: C) The Tripitakas Q.2 What are the three main categories of Buddhist sacred texts? A) Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas B) Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abidhamma Pitaka C) Ramayana, Mahabharata, […]
Category: Multiple Choice Questions
Civilizing the native, Educating the Nation (Important and useful MCQs)
These multiple-choice questions will not only help class 8 students to score better marks but also gain a better understanding of the chapter ‘Civilizing the native, Educating the Nation’. Q.1 What was the focus of education in the madrasa established in Calcutta in 1781? a) Arabic, Persian, and Islamic law b) English literature and philosophy […]
Development (Important MCQs for class 10th)
Objective Questions: Questions asked in Pre-boards and previous years boards Q.1 Which of the following is not a component of Human Development Report? a. Birth rate b. Life expectancy c. Education d. Per capita income Answer: Birth rate Q.2 Which of the following is a developmental goal for the landless rural laborers? a. To get […]
Political Parties (Important MCQs for class 10th)
Objective Questions: Questions asked in Pre-boards and previous years boards Q.1 Which one of the following regional parties is associated with West Bengal? a. Lok Jan Shakti Party b. Janata Dal c. Forward Bloc d. Democratic Front Answer: c. Forward Boc Q.2 Which institution banned wall writing by parties during election times? a. Press b. Parliament […]
Geography of India (NCERT based important MCQs from 6th to 12th)
Multiple Choice Questions: Questions (1 to 10) Q.1 What is the Pole Star also known as? a) North Light b) Saptarishi c) Ursa Major d) Planetai Answer: b) Saptarishi Q.2 Which celestial bodies are lit by the light of stars and are called “wanderers”? a) Satellites b) Constellations c) Planets d) Stars Answer: c) Planets […]
Politics Of India (N.C.E.R.T based Important MCQs from 6th to 12th)
Politics: Question (01 to 10) Question 1: What is the concept of equality? a) Treating everyone exactly the same b) Treating everyone based on their individual needs c) Treating everyone based on their social status d) Treating everyone based on their age Answer: b) Treating everyone based on their individual needs Question 2: Which of […]