Introduction: You may know about world history that is full of battles, revolutions, struggle and demands. It is so vast and complex that you cannot recall the entire past at once. So, to make this lengthy and confusing past easy, History of some important events has been divided into different chapters. You must have learnt […]
Author: Preeti
Globalization and the Indian Economy (Notes that make things easy)
Introduction: The modern world has plenty of options to choose from. You (consumer) can easily get access to the domestic as well as International markets. If you look into the past, you will notice the transformation of the whole world into a global village. This is due to Globalization. In this lesson, you will be […]
Money and Credit (Notes: very simple and comprehensible)
Introduction: Money is everybody’s need. Since, every single day we purchase one thing or another to meet consumption needs. No one can even imagine spending a day without money. So how money took place and why we prefer money over old system of exchange. These are the things you will know about money in elaboration […]
Outcomes of Democracy (Get easy answers within notes.)
Introduction: From the year when you begin studying Civics, you found what form of government do we have and how it functions through federal system. No individual has given extreme power. But everyone is equally a part of it. Apart from this, you also studied about whole structure thoroughly. This chapter will lead you to […]
Political Parties (Easily find good answers within the notes)
Introduction: Through this chapter, we are going to know the needs, functions, role and challenges to the political parties. In any democratic country, political parties do not only play a significant role in the political system of the country but also have a major role in the growth of the economy as well as the […]
Lifelines of National Economy (Easily available answers in notes)
Introduction: You may know, for everyday consumption we need different materials and services. They are either available in our surroundings or we bring them from other places. When we move goods from one place to another, we make use of transport.( Transportation can be done through air, water, land) And the people engaged in facilitating […]
Manufacturing Industries (Easily find answers within the notes)
Introduction: The Economy develops when all three sectors which are linked to each other, work with coordination and help each sector to grow well. Each sector has its own significance. In this chapter we will read about the role of manufacturing Industries under the secondary sector. Manufacturing: Production of goods in large quantities after processing […]
Nationalism In India (Easily find answers within the notes)
Introduction: In this chapter we will look at the events that led Indians to form a nation state and you will also get to learn about the fact, how the feeling of being the people of one nation developed among all Indians. To become free from the control of the colonial govt. was a far […]
Natural Vegetation and Wildlife (Notes to search direct answers as well)
Introduction: India is a vast country where different types of bio-forms are available. There is huge variety in the species of animals and plants can be seen due to which India is among the 12 mega bio-diversity country. India: Virgin Vegetation: For Example : Tropical forest, Mangrove forest. a. Endemic: The vegetation which is purely […]
Agriculture (Easily find good answers within the notes)
Introduction : A brief discussion about primary sector Types of Farming : People use different methods to cultivate the land due to differences in physical environment, technological know-how and socio-cultural practices. let’s discuss some of the ways they use :- Subsistence farming : A. Primitive Subsistence Farming : B. Intensive Subsistence Farming : 2. Commercial […]