Nature is full of resources. Living beings use these resources for different purposes. The thing that makes them useful is their worth. If any of these resources get exhausted, it can affect the lives of human beings and other creatures. Therefore, it becomes important for everyone to learn about the significance of resources. In this chapter we will know the meaning, types and measures for conservation of resources.
Meaning of Resources:
Anything that can be used to satisfy a need is a resource.
It is not necessary that all resources will have economic value It means, some resources have economic value; for example: metals. And some resources such as grandma’s home remedy, your paintings etc. may not have economic value.
Note: Time and Technology are important factors that can change substances into resources.
Types of Resources:
There are generally three types of Resources; natural, human made and human.
Natural Resources:
The resources a person extracts or obtains directly from nature and uses it without any modification are natural resources. For Example: air, water, soil, minerals etc.
Classification of Natural Resources:
- Renewable Resources: The resources which get renewed or replenished quickly are renewable resources. For Example: Solar, wind energy (unlimited), soil and forest etc.
- Non-Renewable Resources: Resources which are limited and take thousand of years to get renewed or replenished are non-renewable resources. For Example: coal, petroleum and natural gas etc.
Human Made Resources:
When the extracted or obtained resources get converted or modified into new kinds of resources by the human beings, they become human made resources. For Example: Table, parks, buildings, bridges, roads, vehicles, technology etc.
Human Resources:
Human is itself a resource. Since, he has the potential to make the best use of nature to create more resources. With knowledge, skill and the technology, he can modify resources in any possible way. Thus, people are human resources.
Note: Two most important components those convert humans into more valuable resource are Education and Health.
What is human resource development?
Improving the quantity of people’s skills so that they are able to create more resources is known as human resource development.
Conserving Resources:
Now we know how precious our resources are, we need to think of some measures to conserve them. So, let’s know about the meaning of resource conservation first.
Resource conservation means taking two things into consideration; time for replenishment and careful use of resources.
Sustainable development means utilization of resources by keeping in mind the needs of both present future generations.
NCERT side box information:
- Respect and care for all forms of life.
- Improve the quality of human life.
- Conserve the earth’s vitality and diversity.
- Minimize the depletion of natural resources.
- Change personal attitude and practices towards the environment .
- Enable communities to care for their own environment.
Steps for conservation of resources:
- We should use resources according to our needs. For example: Close the water tap after use.
- We should use papers carefully because many trees are cut down to make paper.
- Since we generate electricity through water and coal, we should use it judiciously.
- Lastly, we must guide those who are unaware of the environment related facts.
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