Political Parties (Important Assertion/Reason Questions for class 10th)

Must practice these Assertion/Reason questions of ‘Political Parties’ in order to score better in your exams. ‘A’ stands for Asssertion and ‘R’ stands for Reason. Q.1 Assertion (A): Political parties are one of the most visible institutions in a democracy. Reason (R): Political parties represent social and political divisions and promote partisan interests. Options: a. […]

Election and Representation (Class 11th)

Short Answer Type Questions: Hey there, students! Check out our collection of short-answer questions from various topics. We’ve designed these to cover all the potential questions of ‘Election and Representation’ from the NCERT Political Science book. Each answer is crafted with 30-40 words (i.e. for 2 Marks answers) to help you prepare effectively and boost […]

Money and Credit (Assertion/Reason Questions for Class 10th)

Must practice these Assertion/Reason questions in order to score better in your exams. ‘A’ stands for Asssertion and ‘R’ stands for Reason. Q.1 Assertion (A): In a barter system, double coincidence of wants is an essential feature. Reason (R): Double coincidence of wants means that both parties must agree to exchange goods that the other […]

The Delhi Sultans (Easy and Simplified Notes for class 7th)

Introduction: Have you ever thought about how Delhi became such an important city in India’s history? The Delhi Sultans ruled for many years, leaving behind big forts, famous buildings, and stories of their brave battles. They changed the way people lived and made Delhi a powerful place. Let’s learn more about these rulers and how […]

Urban Administration (Easy notes of Civics for class 6th)

Introduction: In cities, we often see streetlights, parks, hospitals, and clean roads. But have you ever thought about who manages all these things? There is a whole system behind it called Urban Administration. In this chapter, we will explore how cities are managed, who makes important decisions like where parks should be built, and how […]

Panchayati Raj (Easy Notes for class 6th) Civics

Panchayati Raj (Easy and Simplified Notes of class 6th)

Introduction:- Imagine you live in a village where everyone comes together to make important decisions. That’s what happens in the Gram Sabha! In this chapter, we’ll learn how villagers meet, discuss problems like water and roads, and work with the Gram Panchayat to make their village a better place. You’ll also see how the Gram […]