Democratic Rights (Easy Notes)

Democratic Rights (Easy and Simplified Notes for class 9th)

Introduction: This chapter deals with one of the most important features of a democratic country. In the previous lesson, we learnt about the functioning and powers of different institutions. Now, we will learn about the democratic rights of citizens in order to limits the power of the government. Along with, we will also look at […]

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution (Easy Notes For Class 9th)

Introduction: The French Revolution lead the people towards new ideas about how the structure of society should be. Many Europeans and people from different parts of the world began shaping their own ideas. People discussed about individual rights and demanded several changes in the society. Personalities like Raja Rammohan Roy and Derozio, in India, talked […]

Working of the Institutions

Working of the Institutions (Easy Notes for Class 9th)

Introduction: In a democratic country, the elected rulers follow some rules and procedures. They work within different institutions and perform their respective functions. These institutions help to prevent concentration of power and attain efficiency in the working of the government. In this chapter, you would know about the Indian institutional design. How is a major […]