The French Revolution (Easy Notes for class 9th)

The French Revolution (Easy Notes for class 9th)

Introduction: The terms like Liberty, equality and fraternity are common in the contemporary world. Although, there was a time when people could not even think of getting such basic rights. People had to obey the order of autocratic monarchs and face hardships due to lack of basic amenities. In Europe, a feudal system existed. Moreover, […]

Water Resources Notes

Water Resources ( Easy Notes of NCERT for class 10th)

Introduction: Our planet (earth) appears blue as three-fourth of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Yet, we often hear the news of water scarcity. Well, many of you may know the reason why but don’t know the solution, how. So, this chapter will direct you towards the need and corrective measures for conserving water […]

Resources and Development- Notes

Resources and Development (Easy Notes for Class 10th) 2024-25

Introduction: The food living beings consume, water intake, clothes wear and live in, all are the products of nature. And humans have termed these sources of livelihood as resources. All living beings need these resources but often human beings become indifferent towards the problems related to resources. Here, in the first chapter we will learn […]